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Bebi's smile

when I see your smile,,
I can face the world :*

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An Handsome Man for A Beautiful Girl :D

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Just A Little Words

Banyak hari..banyak waktu..detikmenitjam..
banyak cinta yg sudah aku dapat dari kamu.
walaupun msh sering merasa itu smua belum ckup untuk membuktikan but trust me..
from my deepest heart I really love u so much :*

Lagi kerja gini tiba2 pngen blg banyak makasi sama kamu sayang.
buat smua kasih dan sYang kamu.
makasi selalu jaga aku.

makasi selalu khawatir :
saat denger aku bilang 'sakit',kmu lngsung sibuk bgt nanya "sakit apa/ dmnanya yg sakit" "beli obat ya" "aku pjit ya" "mau aku beliin apa" "aku kesana ya" "bobo ya/istrahat ya biar aku aja yang blablabla" *so sweet :')

saat dnger aku laper, bebi langsung nanya "mau makan apa?aku beliin ya"  uda makan pun msh ditanyain "mau apa lagi yang" walaupun duitnya lagi pas2an bgt :')
saat dnger aku ksel sm orang,bebi lgsung nanya "mana orgnya" "siapa" kmu lgsung nemuin orgnya,marah2,ingetin org itu buat gk macem2 lg..hhi :')

kalau naik motor trus kaki aku kpanasan,kmu pasti tutupin kaki aku pke kaki kmu..
klo gk,kmu ngasih kauskaki kmu buat aku..yg paling lucu kmu suruh aku pke sepatu kamu yg kgedean smentara kmuny panas2an :'(

saat hujan,kamu cek smua perlengkapan jas hujan.posisi jas hujan,kancingnya,sampe aku kdang kesel kmu ribet bgt pdahal aku santai aja pke jas hujannya :p

saat naik kereta / transjakarta.
kmu sibuk jagain aku..kaya pengawal pribadi kmu lindungin aku biar gk kesenggol biar gk kesentuh biar gk sakit..

saat aku ksel dengan diamin kmu, kmu lgsung mnta maaf *wlaupun kdang bukan ke kamu keselnya :p *
kmu lgsung ngelucu,meluk aku..

msh bnyk lg kekhawatiran kmu..
smua indah.smua itu nyadarin klo aku punya arti buat kmu.

terima kasih ya sayang.
maaf blm bs membalas smuanya dgn yg lebih baik.
tp selalu berdoa yg terbaik buat ayang.apapun itu.

I love u so much :**

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My Little Girl

You are a miracle 
You are a blessing from above 
You brought joy to my soul 
And pleasure to my eyes In my heart
I can feel it 
An unexplainable feeling 
Being a father
The best thing that I could ever ask for

Just thinking of you makes me smile 
Holding you, looking in your eyes
 I'm so grateful for having you 
And everyday I pray
I pray that you'll find your way

You know I love you,
I love you  
My little girl, 
my little girlI ask 

God to bless you, 
and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl

You're like a shining star  
So beautiful you are 
My baby girl
You light up my world
I pray that I'll get the chance 
To be around and watch you grow  
And witness your first steps 
And the first time when you will call me “dad”
I could spend hours watching you 
You're so innocent, so wonderful and pure
O God I can not express my gratitude! 
But I'll raise her good,
‘cause all I want is to please You
And now I pray You'll guide her steps forever

*What a touching song lyrics :') *

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Soundtrack Hamil..:D

Ada 2 lagu nih yang enak didengerin kalau gw hamil ntar,
*bahahah,,boroboro hamil,dilamar aje belon >.< *
Yang pertama lagu soundtrack nya Friso judulnya Incredible Journey

We've only just met
But I feel sure
We will be best friends

Sharing the joy
Of every step
We take together

This journey that we're on
Where both of us grow strong
This journey that ...
We'll make it together

Love the wonder in your eyes
The thrill of each
And every first time

The whole world is new
Baby hear it call
For me and you

Stumbles and falls, they may come
But I know that
They'll make you stronger

Through the rain and the shine
We learn about life 
And grow together


This journey that we're on
Where both of us grow strong
This journey that ...
We'll make it together

(The bridge)

Look how close we've got
Look how far we've come
And yet we've only just begun


This journey that we're on
Where both of us grow strong
This journey that ...
We'll make it together

This journey of a lifetime
O baby you and I
This journey that ...
We're sharing together


We share our love
We share our joy

Liriknya dalem, musiknya enak, sukak pkoknya :D
Lagu yang kedua buat soundtrack hamil ituh lagunya MZ-My Little Girl.
Gak kalah keren b^v^d

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So Soon

Every time I close my eyes 
I see you in front of me 
I still can hear your voice calling out my name  
And I remember all the stories you told me 
I miss the time you were around 
I miss the time you were around 
But I'm so grateful for every moment I spent with you 
'Cause I know life won't last forever

You went so soon, so soon
You left so soon, so soon 
I have to move on
'cause I know it's been too long
I've got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong
I'll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard 
I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone 
Gone so soon

Night and day, I still feel you are close to me 
And I remember you in every prayer that I make  
Every single day may you be shaded by His mercy 
But life is not the same, and it will never be the same
But I'm so thankful for every memory I shared with you
'Cause I know this life is not forever

There were days when I had no strength to go on
I felt so weak and I just couldn't help asking: “Why?”
But I got through all the pain when I truly accepted 
That to God we all belong, and to Him we'll return, ooh

Sukaak banget sama lagu inih,
nyentuh bgt,
terasa banget lg kehilangannya :(
cuman sukak,semoga gk bkal pernah ngalamin perasaan kaya lagu ini.
Aamiin :)

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